Thursday, April 13, 2017

Getting Rid of Those Ugly Jagged Edges!!

Morning everyone. Today I am offering a very benificial tutorial. We all see those nasty jaggies on so many things we make. This can happen at any time and doing the simplist things that you wouldn't think would leave a jaggie ... but it does! It also happens after using the warp brush tool, and many other tools too.

In my examples I am using the Ball and Bubbles Filter I use to make some of my beads. This leaves an unsightly very prominate outer edge I do not want showing, especially because I am a designer and need things to look perfect, lol. I am going to teach you my way of getting rid of these ugly edges and jaggies. You'll end up with much nicer, smoother edges.

What you need:
  • PSP, any version
  • Gold Ball Preset (if you don't already have it) Download
  • or follow this link -
  • Put the "Preset_BallsAndBubbles_Gold ball.P_.PspScript" in your Preset Folder of PSP in My Documents\MyPSP\your version here\Presets.

Let's get started making a bead :)

New Image 300 x 300 > Transparent > 300 PPI Ellipse Tool set to circle Set color of your choice for Fill Draw out a circle about the proportions as below > Objects/Align/Center in Canvas. Selections/Select All/Selections/Float/Selections/Defloat. (Here out known as Select/Float/Defloat) You should now have something similar to this:
Now we'll apply Balls & Bubbles effect to it. Effects/Artistic Effects/Balls & Bubbles In the Preset drop down list select Gold Ball (attached if needed - put in Preset folder)/Click OK. You should now see this:
See that red outline? (This technique works for those jagged pixels as well) We are going to get rid of that outline left over by the Balls & Bubbles effect (UNLESS - you want to keep it). Select/Float/Defloat > Selections/Modify/Smooth. Use Default Settings (click the curved arrow to make it default) > Click OK > Select/Float/Defloat > Selections/Modify/Contract by 5 > Click OK > Invert/Delete/Select None.
This should now be your end result.
Of course you can play with these settings on anything you make. As you know, not everything will have this large of an edge to remove. You may need to adjust settings, even drop your smooth settings from 10 to 5. **This technique works equally well on those flower petals/objects you have used the Warp tool on!!** Two more examples: These two images are the same. I made a circle using the ellipse tool. Applied a SuperBladePro Preset to it. See how it gave it an ugly white outline? I used the exact method above and the second image is the result. Much cleaner and smoother.
Have fun experimenting!! ~Debb: